Break Up with Clutter and Regain Your Freedom

Have you ever written a breakup letter? Over the course of our lives, sooner or later, we’ve all had relationships end, often badly. They may slowly fizzle out and die, or they may end abruptly amidst conflict. 

As painful as it can be, sometimes writing and sending a breakup letter is the ideal way to conclude a relationship. It can serve as the symbol of an ending, the final closure necessary for each person to move on. 

Whether or not we realize it, all of us have a relationship with our belongings. If your home is filled with clutter, that relationship is likely not a healthy one. Perhaps you’ve made attempts to change, but you’ve not had the success you desire. Writing a breakup letter to clutter might be exactly what you need! 

In the Season 3 premiere of my podcast Uncluttered: Shaping Your Heart and Home for What Matters Most, co-host Liana George and I share thoughts and Scriptures about making a clean break with clutter. In the episode, Liana reads her Taylor Swift-inspired "clutter breakup" letter, a heartfelt ode bidding chaos farewell. The letter is so fantastic that I wanted to share it. I hope it inspires you to write your own letter or to in some way symbolize your decision to break free from your clutter and to embrace a happier and more fulfilled life. 

A Taylor Swift-Inspired Breakup Letter to Clutter

Dear Clutter,

We need to talk.

We’ve been together for a really, long time. But I’ve come to the realization that this “thing” we’ve got going on isn’t really working for me anymore.  

I think it’s time we broke up.

Now I know this isn’t going to be easy for you to hear, but you need to know that it’s hard for me to let go of you, too. You’ve been a source of comfort for me, like a warm, fuzzy blanket I could wrap around me and feel safe. When I needed a reminder of my glory days, you were there with me to stroll down memory lane. And you’ve been a faithful companion, always there.

But despite your never-ending presence in my life, I’ve opened my eyes to a few things about you that I never noticed before. 

For example, when I’m with you I sometimes get anxious and uneasy.  Even though you don’t realize it, your constant company makes me feel as if I’m suffocating. I don’t like feeling that way.

In addition, I often feel guilty when I know I should deal with you and I don’t. I’ve tried many times to ignore you and act as if you don’t exist.  That’s no way for a relationship to function.  

And being with you has kept me from building relationships with others (goodness, when was the last time you saw me bring someone home or invite a friend over?).  While you probably didn’t mean to, you’ve isolated me from the rest of the world.

But not anymore. I want more to life than you have to offer.

So today I’m declaring my freedom from you. I’m reclaiming my life, my identity and my home. I’m kicking your butt to the curb and going to start anew.  

Just thinking about it makes me giddy!

I would love to say that it’s me and not you. But since I’m being brutally honest here, it’s really you.  

I’m tired of your messy ways, your demands for more, the lack of space you give me, and the chaos that follows you everywhere, and sucks me in too.  

You’ve made me late or miss meetings altogether, you’ve hidden things from me, made me forget about the things I really care about, and cost me more money than I can count!

It doesn’t really matter whose fault it is for this unhealthy relationship.  What truly matters is that I’ve finally seen you for who you really are – a greedy, joy-robbing thief.

So, Clutter, it’s time we go our separate ways.  Make no mistake - we’re not just “taking a break”. This is the end of the road for us and I never want to see you again.  

Please don’t ask me to think this over because I’m not changing my mind.  I’m moving on to bigger and better things.  You, my friend, are a thing of the past. 

Good-bye, Clutter.  I’m so over you.

P.S. Oh, and we are never getting back together … like ever!

Ready to Kiss Clutter Goodbye? 

It’s still early in the year, and many of us are thinking about forming new habits and kissing the bad ones goodbye. This brings to mind an inspirational Chinese proverb that has always inspired me: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." 

It doesn’t really matter when we make the decision to change our habits. Whether it’s January 1st, February 3rd, or a random day in the middle of the summer, there is no better time than now to work on healthy habits. It also doesn’t matter how many times we’ve tried before and failed. It only matters that we learn from our mistakes, figure out what works for us, what doesn’t work, and why. The only real failure is to stop trying completely. 

Your breakup letter can serve as your declaration of independence. Be sure to make your letter personal to you. Share specifics about how your clutter makes you feel, how it has affected your life, and how your life will be better without it. Share your letter with someone you’re close to so they can hold you accountable and perhaps join you in your decluttering journey. 

So, grab your metaphorical trash bag, dust off your determination, and get ready to unclutter your way to a happier, more fulfilling you. 

Together, let's break up with clutter and make room for what truly matters.


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