Ashley, a Financial Forecaster & Mom

This client and her husband had recently had their basement finished and floored, and they wanted to set up a portion of it as a craft room. She and her 4 children love to work on crafts together. Ashley is basically an organized person, but since she works full-time in addition to taking care of her household, she doesn’t have much time for organizing. Sometimes her home feels like “organized chaos”.

The three cabinets they already owned were perfect for organizing the crafts. When I arrived, Ashley had already gotten most of the craft items sorted, which was no small feat. We started by discussing the best layout of the room and the best way to divide the materials. Some items were best stored in another part of the house. Of the remaining items, some would need to be quicker to access, while some would need to be kept out of reach of the children in the interest of safety and keeping the area clean. After deciding the best placement for everything, we started assigning containers and drawers for every category. After Ashley was satisfied with all of the choices, labels were added to containers and drawers. A display area for finished crafts would be added later. I look forward to seeing some of the family’s creations!

*Note: Although the color of the cabinets looks completely different in the two pictures, I assure you they are the same cabinets, and the pictures were even taken on the same day!

Craft Room (Before and After)

Craft Room (Before and After)


Kay, a Systems Analyst


Becky, a Retired Teacher