Sarah, a Business Owner & Mother

A busy schedule often contributes to disorganization, and this client’s schedule stays very busy because she wears many hats. She is a wife and mother of three school aged boys who are active in many activities. She and her husband are business owners. And she is a talented artist who is often asked to produce works of art for community events. The garage was the area that was bothering her most because the disorder was making it very difficult for the boys to enjoy playing in the driveway and yard.

We started by defining her goals for the space and by talking about the boys’ favorite activities. Items that belonged in other areas of the home were removed. Items no longer used were donated. Since this client had utilized wall space in a previous home, she liked my suggestion of hanging up as many items as possible while still keeping everything accessible for the boys that they needed. She hired a family friend to install a Gladiator wall mounting system. Because these wall mounting systems have so much flexibility, we were able to work together to get everything except riding toys off the floor. My favorite detail that we implemented was to use blue painters tape to create parking spaces for the boys’ riding toys. Apparently this solution was a big hit for the boys. The whole family was pleased with the end result.






A Local Church


Sharon, a Self-Proclaimed Packrat