Shirley, a Grandmother

I met this client as a result of an organizing presentation to a group of which she is a member. As a widow living alone, she often saw projects that needed to be done but because of physical limitations was unable to complete them on her own. She needed assistance in decluttering and organizing in several areas in her home. We started with sorting through stored boxes of papers and setting up a system for paper maintenance. Then we moved on to the office and the garage.

For each area, we started at one corner of the room, pulled out items from that area, sorted through them, decluttered unneeded items, grouped them into categories, cleaned the surfaces, and arranged items to be kept into organized systems designed to meet her needs. I took unneeded items to a local donation center except for items such as books that she wanted to take for trade value. We made a lot of progress in a few short sessions. Since our last session several months ago, where we decluttered and organized one side of the garage, she has not stayed in touch with me. I am hoping to get an opportunity to help her complete the garage organization soon as well as other areas that need work.

Office Before

Office After

Garage Before


Garage After


Amy, a Homeschooling Mother


Sarah, an Artist