Matthew, an Engineer

One of the reasons I especially enjoyed working with this client is that he was so eager to learn. As a recent college graduate early in his career, he was just getting established in a new space by himself. Having never learned basic organizing skills, he was ready to learn how to establish homes for items and to learn habits for maintaining order. He is definitely a minimalist, and he has only what he needs and uses. His situation is so different from the majority of my clients who have lived in their home for multiple years and have accumulated an excess of belongings. In two short sessions, we organized his entire space one room at a time. I didn’t take many before/after photos, but this closet is a good representation of the work we did together. Though it wasn’t that chaotic before, there was no rhyme or reason for the placement of items, and some items belonged in a different space. Now there is a clear reason for each item in the closet, and it’s much easier to find what he needs.

Closet Before and After


Vanessa, a Working Mother


Cindy, a Grandmother & Retiree