Vicki, an Attorney

Maybe you can relate to this story...

The family linen closet wasn’t always this crazy. Vicki used to be able to find exactly what she needed quickly, be it twin sheets, a beach towel, or an extra blanket. Somehow, over the years as the family grew and life got busier, the order slowly dissolved into chaos. Now she preferred to open the closet door as infrequently as possible because it stressed her out just looking at it. And forget about finding something or putting something back in the “right place.”

This was the routine now:

  1. Open door.

  2. Cram item into any available space or grab item most closely resembling needed item.

  3. Close door as quickly as possible.

  4. Run away.

It was so bad that baskets of clean linens now lined the hallway floor awaiting their destiny. Clearly things had to change!

Most of us can relate to this kind of situation. Once the procrastination is finally over and the work begins, it usually doesn’t take nearly as long as we think! Vicki and I made short work of this closet. No more avoidance! Now it’s easy to find what she needs and to replace the clean linens. Mission accomplished!

Linen Closet Before/After


Melinda, a Working Mother of Five


Sophie, an Entrepreneur