A School Drama Department

This school drama department has a large storage area for costumes and props, but since it hadn’t been organized in several years, no one really knew how to find anything. They needed help going through each item, removing items that were no longer useful, and arranging the remaining items in a way that is functional, easy to find, and easy to maintain. I tried to limit the number of containers that are stacked on top of each other because this makes them more difficult to access. It was impossible to avoid some stacking of containers because we were trying to avoid buying additional supplies. However, by limiting this to containers in a particular category (for example, Halloween or Christmas related items), it will only be necessary to get into these containers occasionally.

By labeling each container, drawer, hanging rod, and shelf, this room is now in a state that can be properly maintained. Ideally, in the future, items needed for a production can be quickly located, and after the production is concluded can be put back in the proper location.

Storage Room (Before)

Storage Room (After)


Carla, a teacher


A community theatre