Sarah, a Homeschool Mother
Storage Room, Basement Angie Hyche Storage Room, Basement Angie Hyche

Sarah, a Homeschool Mother

This client has a large unfinished basement with sturdy metal shelves that provides ample storage space for a multitude of items. As a homeschool mother of 7 children, making sure items can be found quickly is essential! Assigning specific functions for each shelf and making better use of the space accomplished the goal.

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Dora, a Corporate Manager
Storage Room Angie Hyche Storage Room Angie Hyche

Dora, a Corporate Manager

This client had an old storage shed that had become so full that it was not very functional. Over time, items had been placed in the shed without any kind of order, and it had become very difficult to find anything or to get to the back of the shed. She had recently purchased a new storage shed. Her goal was to put any seasonal decorations and household items into the new shed in an organized fashion and to make the old shed more functional by grouping items by category and using the space more efficiently.

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A Local Church
Pantry, Storage Room, Laundry Room, Closet Angie Hyche Pantry, Storage Room, Laundry Room, Closet Angie Hyche

A Local Church

Whether we’re talking about a home or a church, any time a group of people occupies the same building for many years, items will accumulate and disorder will result. With multiple ministries in the community and abroad, taking the time to organize is often difficult. This project was unique in that I worked alongside church volunteers as well as church staff.

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A Local Nonprofit Group
Storage Room Angie Hyche Storage Room Angie Hyche

A Local Nonprofit Group

This nonprofit group’s storage area had become disorganized over the years and they had lost track of what they owned that could be used and what needed to be disposed of or donated. Since this is exactly the kind of project I love to do, I was happy to volunteer.

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Girls on the Run, a Nonprofit Group
Storage Room Angie Hyche Storage Room Angie Hyche

Girls on the Run, a Nonprofit Group

This nonprofit group serves girls in grades 3-8, providing them with a 10 week after school curriculum that uses running activities to teach whole body health. The sessions culminate in a non-competitive 5K race in the fall and in the spring. When a new storage space became available for their supplies so that everything could be located in one place, they needed help putting the supplies in order and figuring out a way to maintain that order. The end result was quite dramatic.

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Julia, a Pharmacist
Storage Room Angie Hyche Storage Room Angie Hyche

Julia, a Pharmacist

This client needed help decluttering and organizing a small storage room in her house. She knew that most of the items were things she no longer needed, but she was feeling overwhelmed and was having a hard time getting started.

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Michael, a Fisherman
Storage Room Angie Hyche Storage Room Angie Hyche

Michael, a Fisherman

This client needed some help organizing his storage shed. Over time, items had been placed in the shed without any kind of order, and it had become very difficult to find anything or get to the back of the shed. With the warmer weather approaching, he needed to be able to quickly access his kayaks, fishing poles, tackle boxes, and other fishing supplies and to get all of the lawn care equipment in and out easily.

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A community theatre
Storage Room Angie Hyche Storage Room Angie Hyche

A community theatre

This client, a community theatre, had a storage area for props that had gotten very disorganized as items had been used for multiple shows and not been put back correctly. As time passed, there were sections of the storage room that were unusable because the floor was covered with items, some of which didn’t really belong in the room.

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