Dora, a Corporate Manager

This client had an old storage shed that had become so full that it was not very functional. Over time, items had been placed in the shed without any kind of order, and it had become very difficult to find anything or to get to the back of the shed. The old shed contained tools, equipment for restoring and repairing cars, appliances to be sold, and various household items. My client knew there were some seasonal decorations in the back that she hadn’t been able to access in years. A family member who helped around the house and also worked on cars had filled in the areas around it so that the seasonal decorations and some other items were hidden. She had recently purchased a new storage shed to hold some of the items from the old shed as well as some items from the house. Her goal was to put any seasonal decorations and household items into the new shed in an organized fashion and to make the old shed more functional by grouping items by category and using the space more efficiently.

We started by pulling everything out of the old shed. This was quite a task since some of the items were very large and heavy (appliances, tires, car fenders, seats of cars, large tools, etc.). As we removed items, we put them into categories in the yard and set aside out any unneeded items for donation. Then we made a plan for how things would be arranged once they were returned to the old shed.

Finally, we returned items into the old shed, making sure to make the best use of space and to group items in a logical way. The extended family member who used the items came to help us so that he could pull out any items he didn’t need, and so that we could arrange the remaining items in the way that would work best for him.

The end result was very satisfying. I’m sure that finding things in the old shed will be much easier now!

Storage Shed (Before)

Storage Shed (After)


Lora, a Homeschool Mom


Margaret, a Dental Hygienist